Creating Lasting Change

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Creating Lasting Change

“To simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak”

With the new year comes new opportunities and a new way to see the world and your life! It is a new year and a new month, but that is all that changes… YOU are the ingredient to create a different experience of your life, when YOU choose to.

Nothing will change if you are running the same patterns, belief systems and habits. When you take time to reflect (that is what end of December is for, for me), to reflect and look back on 2019, asking yourself; what did I enjoy? What do I want more of? What do I still want to do/achieve? What are the relationships/habits etc that I am wanting to do differently? What do I start with? What is in my awareness calling me to do it differently? Perhaps you want to be healthier? We need to look at what am I eating? Am I exercising? Do I take time to meditate/prayer?

And then come up with what do I need to do to make this the easiest and most effective way to succeed? Perhaps creating a meal plan for the week, that way you know what to buy (less waste) and it take the stress out of what to eat for dinner.

I have included a sheet for you that you can print and fill in Month, dates and write in lunch and dinner for the week or the month. I haven’t done a breakfast section as we all eat something different and at different times in our home. I trust that this will spark you to do it differently and take one thing that stresses you and organise it, the key is to DO it, to be consistent, be aware of self-talk and be kind with yourself.

Download the menu plan here.

As we start to do something differently we need be aware of our self-talk, what are we saying to ourselves, over and over again mostly without awareness. Meditation is another key to self-awareness, start small if you haven’t ever done meditation or haven’t for a long time, start with a few minutes EVERYDAY! Remember consistency is the key to creating lasting change. Make it the same time of day, or as soon as out of bed and been to bathroom, then sit down to meditate, if needs be start by sitting up in bed, unless you have a small person attached to your body and you need to lay down. Creating a positive habit is same time, every day, consistency… have I mentioned consistency enough? That really is the key. Before consistency is to START, start before you feel ready, by starting you already begin to shift energy and create changes.

Another aspect I have included this year is a digital vision board! It was really quick and easy to find pictures and I added ‘I am’ statements to my digital vision board. I have it saved on my laptop so each time I open it up it’s there allowing me a reminder as life gets busier, on what my priorities are and what I value most and what I am doing this all for.

Posted By

Theoni Papoutsis

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