End of the year, end of a decade – Time to reflect, intend and create.

Theoni Papoutsis > Blog > Lifestyle > End of the year, end of a decade – Time to reflect, intend and create.

End of the year, end of a decade – Time to reflect, intend and create.


As we enter the last few weeks of 2019, take some time to reflect on this last year and all that has happened, changed and that you have learned. Make space to reflect on this decade too, what were the gifts and opportunities, that you have experienced or that you still want to create?

As the Chinese saying goes, “we live in interesting times”. Expecting life to be better or easier, is a human illusion, along with linear time, like the calendar. Rather focus on your strength and courage to weather whatever unfolds for the next decade to come.

During this end of year time, making time to make memories with your families and friends with whatever you are planning or allow them to spontaneously unfold. Managing your energy at this time is essential. Ask yourself what replenishes me? What can I do or not do to ensure rest and replenishment? Often we need to even say ‘no’ to things that we want to do as we only have a limited amount of time and energy available.

The end of year is also about celebrating and sharing and giving, so here is an opportunity. I would love to see each of you ☺

Celebrate with me on 10th December at 1230 at Ishta yoga studio, everyone is welcome. Please contribute with a small plate of eats. Anyone wanting to donate clothes, toys, nappies, etc can bring them to this event, I will drop off at Princess Alice Adoption house on the 17th December 2019.

Whatever you do or don’t do, enjoy it and say YES to you, First!

My practice will only be closed between Christmas and new year, I am available for you to book for kahuna massage, craniosacral therapy, NLP, and individual Confident Hypnobirthing preparations for birth.

Posted By

Theoni Papoutsis

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