Take a breath girl! Half way through the year? And no more excuses.

Theoni Papoutsis > Blog > Birth > Take a breath girl! Half way through the year? And no more excuses.

Take a breath girl! Half way through the year? And no more excuses.


Some days I get up in the morning and have to remind myself that we are living in and participating in a changed world. What is actually happening in the world today? Everyone has an opinion, a theory, and a what-if. The truth is we don’t know, and we may know in time to come, perhaps years to come. For now, we need to breathe and stay in the present moment, dealing with what comes up as it comes up. It really is an opportunity to be fully present.

For yourself as a woman, partner, mother, sister, what keeps you calm, centered, and present. What small ways can you remind yourself to be calm? For yourself and especially the children in your midst.

When we are around the children, it is important to know how to regulate yourself. Children push our buttons, they know which ones to press, sometimes more so than our partners. One way that helps me to keep calm and to regulate myself is the breath. Reminding myself at the moment when I want to lash out, correct, defend, etc. I bring my awareness to my breath and remind myself it is not an emergency. I don’t have the awareness every time, get it caught in the reactivity of the situation. Then I remind myself to be kind to myself and that I am doing my best at this moment.

What can we control? do we know what we can’t? The current world situation, the weather, what others think, mostly the things out there.

What are controllable’s? Ourselves, how much effort we put in, maintaining an attitude that selves as well, how much time we spend on social media, how much sleep we get, and what food you eat.

It’s July and halfway through this year, I saw a meme that said the most unused item for 2020 was a diary or year planner. Yes, none of us expected to be where we are at this moment in time. Let’s control what we can, make time this month to take stock, and reflect on what do you want to complete or start or learn, etc

I have realised as many of you may have, that we are all being affected by the world’s situation, what can we do as a whole? July is plastic-free month, how can you and your family use less plastic? Here are 5 simply ways:

  1. Buy metal or glass straws and carry them in your handbag.
  2. Buy your own reusable coffee cup and take it when you are ordering a takeaway coffee.
  3. Use material /reusable shopping bag.
  4. Don’t buy drinks that come in plastic bottles.
  5. Buy a moon cup instead of using tampons and pads.

When making a purchase ask yourself?

  1. Do I actually need this?
  2. Can this packaging be reused? i.e. reseal-able bag
  3. Is there an option with less plastic?

What are your excuses? Around each aspect of your life? Not just the plastic problem in the world. Take 3 days where you watch your excuses that come up, oh and they will come up. Make a note of all the excuses, write it down. A few that come up for me as an example are I don’t have enough time? X or Y is more important? Once you have listed them, explore ways to do them differently. What are the most important things in your life? Remember I am available to explore that with you.

I will be posting simple and user-friendly breathing tools on Facebook- Theoni Papoutsis Birthkeeper page and on Instagram @papoutsistheoni

Follow me there and keep updated.

Posted By

Theoni Papoutsis

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