The human rights of babies & mothers

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The human rights of babies & mothers

And just like that, we’re in March, already! There’s already a shift happening in the weather; another season starting to transition. Those of us with children are watching them grow up in front of us faster than we ever imagined. Those of us with growing baby bumps are watching our bodies grow and change constantly. And although we can’t slow any of this down, we can draw out some of these moments to last a little longer by making them more real: by bringing our awareness and consciousness into how we experience these extraordinary, ever-changing movements in our lives, and of everything around us.

It’s Human Rights Day this month, on the 21st March. It’s also World Doula Week from the 21st-28th March. Two markers on a calendar of dozens of other entirely random, and sometimes poignant dates that draw our attention to mark historical events, or to celebrate or acknowledge others for their meaning.

Both speak loudly and urgently to me at this particular moment in the world, where we are so in need of greater humanity, and the healing that acts of humanity have the potential to bring. And, while this is something we want for all those we care about – for the children we’re about to bring into the world, and for the children and families that we’re already raising and nurturing, humanity is what we want to experience for and towards ourselves too.

As a doula and birthkeeper, and as a mom, and a woman, I am part of a groundswell of thousands of other women around the world advocating for the human rights of pregnant women. For their access to humane and dignified healthcare; for their physical and emotional support before and after they birth; for their right to feel safe in the spaces where they birth, and from the people that they birth with. And also for the human rights of all babies born into this world, to be welcomed, loved, cared for, nurtured, and to feel safe.

While we try to protect and nurture these rights for our families and communities, remember that our children watch us carefully and learn by example. And so it’s time for us to start directing greater humanity towards ourselves too!

When we remember that we are part of the families and communities we’re trying to nurture and heal, then we’ll also remember that showing care towards ourselves is a critical part of growing that bigger healing.

I’m here to support your self-care, during pregnancy through yoga, Confident Hypnobirthing, and Full Circle Pregnancy retreats; or otherwise, using craniosacral therapy, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and Kahuna massage.
Nurture yourself, and others will learn.

Love, Theoni

Posted By

Theoni Papoutsis

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