Kundalini yoga for pregnancy is a holistic pregnancy yoga that focuses on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements in order to assist women during pregnancy and birth and to help them achieve optimum pregnancy health. Pregnancy yoga is the perfect way to safely exercise while pregnant and is recommended for all pregnant women.
Kundalini Pregnancy Yoga
Over the last two decades Theoni has honed her pregnancy yoga classes and makes use of carefully selected yoga postures specifically designed to enhance physical strength. The classes also offer emotional and spiritual benefits.

Enhance flexibility and tone key muscles that support your pregnancy health and assist you during birth.
Release tension in the spine and body and expand your lungs.
Build the strength and stamina you will need for the birth and beyond.
Help you to deal with any anxieties about pregnancy, labour, birth and motherhood.
Provide a supportive community of women who are experiencing similar things to you.
Offer you important me-time and give you the skills to assist you to focus and connect with your baby.

Whether you’re choosing to have a natural birth or not,
these classes assist you in working through your fears, accessing your hidden strengths and leading you away from feelings of powerlessness to a place of belief in your power as a woman.
In these classes, Theoni acts as a guide on your journey.
She is also a reliable and knowledgeable source of information on all things related to pregnancy and babies.
See products available:
including Kundalini meditation and relaxation CD and Conscious Birth manual.
Moms & Babes Yoga
Theoni has been teaching Moms & Babes yoga for over a decade. Drawing on all of her experience, she has now developed a new 6 week course that includes all the lovely points of connection with baby and yoga, as well as new practical tools and resources for moms.

About The Course
6-week programmes on Tuesdays 11 am to 12.30 pm 121 Atholl Road, Atholl.
Check with Theoni for dates.
Blending together her knowledge and experience of Kundalini yoga, NLP, Mindfulness, Kahuna and Hypnotherapy, Theoni has created this course to enable moms and babes to find their unique style of connecting as mother and child.
The course allows for special “us time” for you and your baby. Theoni will show you how to deepen your yoga practice in amidst time with your baby. Being with other moms in the same situation allows you to connect and share with them, including all the ups and downs you are experiencing. It is yoga playtime! Learn how to get your baby engaged, relaxed and comfortable with this ‘new’ form of play. Theoni creates an atmosphere of total acceptance and fun and the classes focus on yoga that stretches and strengthens you as a mother to help you find balance in all that you do.
Connect with baby outside of home.
Strength your body and become flexible.
Focus on developing strength in your abdomen, back and pelvic floor.
Witness your baby discovering his/her body.
Reduce stress and anxiety around mothering, and of life’s daily demands.