



My husband and I benefited greatly from the Confident Hypnobirthing course we recently did with Theoni, not only for preparing us for the birth of our little girl, but in all aspects of our lives. Although our little girl had other plans on how she wanted to enter this world, Theoni showed me to accept whatever turn my birthing may take which helped me get through it all, as well as practice more self-acceptance and patience in the things I had no control over. I would recommend Theoni’s Confident Hypnobirthing course for anyone looking to gain more insight into a happy birth and meeting Theoni will change your view of life and how simple and rewarding it can be, if you just let it be


Mother to Sage

When my wife first mentioned wanting to go to Confident hypnobirthing classes, I thought it was unnecessary. I already have three children (from a previous marriage) and I didn’t need classes before. How wrong I was! I am glad I finally agreed to attend Theoni’s classes because after the first one I realised how much I had to learn. The classes were much better than I expected and really helped us prepare for the birth of our daughter


Father of 3 grown children and Mila

Theoni was the gentleness and support I needed in my pregnancy when I had placenta previa. She assisted with meditation visualization to manifest moving the placenta up. My husband and I later had the pleasure of joining her hypnobirthing classes. Theoni’s down-to earth and fun-filled nature added to the enjoyment of the classes. Every encounter with Theoni is always such a pleasure – I just love her – almost as much as I love the honey I order from her


Mother to Seth

Becoming a new mom was an extremely vulnerable and sensitive phase in my life. I was so pleased when I met Theoni, only a few months into my pregnancy, when I started to question everything about giving birth and being a mom. I wanted the best for the little, precious life I was bringing into the world and needed encouraging and strong women around me, as I felt that many women I came into contact with were extremely discouraging about having a natural birth. Theoni allowed me to look at how I would birth my daughter with awareness and consciousness and made me question what I really wanted for much a huge milestone in my life


Mother of Laila

Theoni’s greatest gift is the gentle support and insightful guidance she brings to every encounter, whether during a class, a treatment, or birth itself. I’ve made use of a range of Theoni’s services, both before and after the birth of my second child (which Theoni also attended as my doula), and I know several others who’ve used these services too. Theoni’s incredible intuition and extensive experience enable her to tap in to what her individual clients need, leaving people feeling educated and empowered, as well as seen and heard – all important for the journey through pregnancy and parenthood


Mother of Reid and Piper

The breastfeeding shells are amazing. They saved me with my first born. I had one inverted Nipple and over fed on the other one until I corrected the inverted one. This led to inflamed and very sore nipples. The shells cooled them down and soothes instantly. I wore them. All day and night inside my breastfeeding bra. It sometimes caught some leaked milk and I would always feed it to my little one directly. I’d highly recommend the shells to any breastfeeding mommy’s. They smooth and heal sore nipples and also make you feel like a mermaid


Mother of 2

Theoni’s moms & babes yoga was such a special time spent bonding with my baby. I found it invaluable to be in a safe and calm setting, surrounded by other new moms. The knowledge shared by Theoni has not only deeply impacted me as a woman, but has profoundly and positively influenced my journey into motherhood. A million thank you’s really just don’t do this course or Theoni justice


Mother of Myles

I received craniosacral and Kahuna massage from Theoni during my incredibly difficult pregnancy, as well as going to her for guided meditation, all of which helped immensely. I had severe morning sickness (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) and nothing brought relief from the horrible constant nausea and vomiting, not even medication from the doctor. The massage wasn’t like a regular massage which I’d gone for and had only made me feel worse, but was the most calming, beautiful treatment which helped me to connect to baby and took away some of the intense nausea I was feeling. The craniosacral session made me feel as though I was being held and deeply understood. It helped me to let go of a lot of sadness and emotions linked to my last lost pregnancy and helped me move forward, stronger. The guided meditation allowed a huge release in my body, and after a few days I was feeling much better, emotionally. I would definitely recommend Theoni’s services for anyone struggling during pregnancy, for whatever reasons. She has such a beautiful, understanding way and a deep knowledge of all things pregnancy and babies!


Mother of Sienna and Jayce

The Confident Hypnobirthing course has been a significant step stone in my preparation for the birth of our baby. Besides the valuable knowledge that I gained about birth and related topics I feel myself much more relaxed when thinking of the birth experience ahead. I’m even excited and look forward to it. With her natural way of being Theoni knows to remind us women that giving birth is our very nature and that this ability is deeply rooted within each and every woman


Mother to be

I worked with Theoni through my pregnancy, my labour and after my baby was born. Theoni offers a comprehensive selection of wonderful services that supported me at a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Her massage and craniosacral sessions are nurturing and healing. Her capacity as a doula showed warmth and caring as well as strength and endurance to see me through to the end of the labour. She is very knowledgeable in prenatal, labour and postnatal areas and I felt I could rely on her and trust her. I would highly recommend her as a support partner for all things related to birth and motherhood


Mother of Ariella

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